The duration of a divorce in Arizona can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of the issues involved, and how quickly the parties can agree on terms.
The shortest a divorce in Arizona can be is 60 days. Arizona law requires a mandatory waiting period of at least 60 days from the date the divorce papers (Petition for Dissolution of Marriage) are served to the other spouse. This waiting period is the minimum amount of time before a divorce can be finalized, and it applies to all divorces, whether contested or uncontested.
Let's give an example - Party 1 files a Petition (initial filing) in their divorce on September 5. The Petition is then served on Party 2 on September 10. September 10 begins the 60 day waiting period clock. In this case, the earliest the divorce could be finalized is November 9, 60 days later.
An uncontested divorce, where both parties agree on all the terms (such as property division, child custody/parenting time, and support - spousal maintenance and child support), is typically faster. After the 60-day waiting period, if all paperwork is correctly completed and both parties agree, the divorce can be finalized quickly, sometimes within a few weeks.
A contested divorce, where the parties disagree on one or more issues, will take longer. In such cases, the process can involve multiple court hearings, mediation, and possibly a trial. The timeline can vary widely depending on the court’s schedule, the complexity of the issues, and how cooperative the parties are.
Whether your divorce is contested or uncontested, the process by which you go through your divorce drastically impacts how long your divorce takes. If you litigate your divorce in Arizona, i.e. hire attorneys to battle your case in court, the average time for a divorce process from beginning to end is 8 months to over a year. If you mediate your divorce in Arizona, the average time for a divorce process from beginning to end is 2-4 months. This is one of the many reasons couples prefer mediation when going through their divorce process.
However, uncontested or contested, mediation is often a helpful tool to bring a divorce to a close quickly and low-cost. Mediation keeps your divorce out of court and at Couples Solutions Center we help you reach advantageous agreements even if your divorce is contested.